When we met Nimota and her mom at our studio we knew we had to do this wedding. Nimota just lights up a room with her fun personality and great smile. We met Jose at the engagement shoot and had such a fun time with the two of them that we were really looking forward to the wedding. Being with all of their family and friends it became obvious that we weren’t the only ones smitten with this couple. It seems like everyone loves Jose and Nimota. Can’t blame them really! I can tell you that when it was time to go home we really just wanted to stay and hang out with everyone. Another reason we were looking forward to this wedding is because we were working with David Bettencourt who does amazing wedding cinematography and just happens to be married to our Marisa.



As I said before it was hot, hot, hot out. With it being so hot and humid we changed our original photo plan of walking around Providence. Lucky for us our smart couple hired the talented David Bettencourt to do their video.  He knew a great spot close by Kirkbrae.  You really can’t beat a field for photos.  When we arrived at the reception we were so excited to see the favors for the wedding.  Emily and Peter used their engagements photos on the tags!  We love to see the fun ways people use the photos that we take for them.  Just when they thought the photo taking was over there was an amazing sunset that we had to take advantage of.  Sunsets are one big bonus on a humid summer day.  All and all the day was a huge success!  Congrats to Emily and Peter!

Reception – Kirkbrae Country Club

Florist – Bobby Bach

Video – David Bettencourt



Marisa and I have been so looking forward to this engagement shoot.  When Meagan contacted us about doing her wedding we were happy enough.  Then she throws in that we have the chance to do the engagement shoot at Fenway Park!  We had the park all to ourselves for an hour and half.  Kind of a photographer’s dream!  We found so many cools spots that we used pretty much every minute of our time.  Just want to say thank you to our guide, Emma!  There were many times when I was approached by security to check that we were on the up and up.  Actually they were only checking with me.  No one else got questioned.  Do I look that shady?  Anyway, I just told them “It’s OK.  I’m with Emma.” and they left me alone.  Lucas and Meagan are getting married on March 17, 2013 (Notice our clever number pics in the post).  We had a great time hanging out with them in Fenway.  It was a little rainy and everything was wet, but they were good sports.  Hopefully we paid our dues to the weather gods up above on this shoot guaranteeing us sunny, warm weather for the wedding!


