Here in New England we are very familiar with having to change plans because of lousy weather. In Melissa and Ronnie’s case, frigid temps and blustery winds postponed their engagement session not once or twice but FOUR times! We finally landed a beautiful April evening on the East Side of Providence. With the city as the backdrop, we walked and talked and worked on capturing the perfect photos to display at their upcoming Newport wedding. Melissa and Ronnie are getting married in exactly one month from today at the Atlantic Beach Club! Cooperation from Mother Nature would be greatly appreciated.

RI Providence Wedding Photography Engagement Newport

RI Providence Wedding Photography Engagement Newport

RI Providence Wedding Photography Engagement Newport

RI Providence Wedding Photography Engagement Newport

RI Providence Wedding Photography Engagement Newport

RI Providence Wedding Photography Engagement Newport

RI Providence Wedding Photography Engagement Newport

RI Providence Wedding Photography Engagement Newport

RI Providence Wedding Photography Engagement Newport

RI Providence Wedding Photography Engagement Newport

RI Providence Wedding Photography Engagement Newport

RI Providence Wedding Photography Engagement Newport



Maty is a history buff so what better location for his and Lauren’s engagement session than the east side of Providence.  Because you know it’s all historic and stuff.  We really had a blast with these guys!  They are just the nicest couple ever.  When we had our initial meeting it was probably the longest one to date.  We did not stop chatting!   Lauren and Maty brought their beautiful dog, SoCo.  He is an Australian Shepard.  Such a cutie pie!  Poor Soco couldn’t be in all of the photos so we were not just photographers on this shoot.  We were also dog walkers (photos will be on facebook soon enough).  Lauren’s outfit really made for a great pop of color in these photos.  Good job with that Lauren!  Can’t wait to see you guys again in September!

Providence Wedding Photography

Providence Wedding Photography

Providence Wedding Photography

Providence Wedding Photography

Providence Wedding Photography

Providence Wedding Photography

Providence Wedding Photography

Providence Wedding Photography

Providence Wedding Photography

Providence Wedding Photography

Providence Wedding Photography

Providence Wedding Photography



Caitlin and Dan are getting married at the Hyatt Regency in Newport this October. We were so happy that they opted for an engagement shoot because this was our big chance to meet them before the wedding.  The engagement shoot is sort of like on the job training.  We coach you through the photos and the poses.  Then when the wedding comes you are a professional model!  Caitlin and Dan are naturals!  Being cute doesn’t hurt, of course.  Dan went to PC so they decided on Providence for the engagement session location.  Whether we had them stand next to freezing water, walking down city alley ways, or standing besides a dumpster (dumpsters never made it in the photo) they were up for anything and everything!  Thanks for being so great, guys!  Can’t wait for the wedding!!

Providence Wedding Photography

providence wedding photography

providence wedding photography

providence wedding photography

providence wedding photography

providence wedding photography

providence wedding photography

providence wedding photography

Providence Wedding Photography

providence wedding photography

providence wedding photography

providence wedding photography


