One of the perks of our job is getting to be a tourist in our own state. It’s awesome. Many times we find ourselves on location for a photo shoot where we wouldn’t ordinarily visit. Kaitlin and Ryan chose Water Place Park and the Rhode Island State House. One fun fact about our state house is that it has the fourth-largest self-supporting marble dome in the world. In the WORLD! Every child who grew up in this state learns that fact and has at least one field trip where they marvel looking up at the dome and whispers of “fourth largest unsupported dome in the world” can be heard all around. So, to go there with our cameras and the vibrancy of Kaitlin and Ryan was a great treat. This wonderful couple has a joie de vivre which can be seen and felt in their portraits. Kaitlin is a classic beauty and together she and Ryan make a most lovely couple. This was a wonderful day that will be remembered for a long, long time. XO