"Doctor, Doctor! Gimme the News, I got a bad case of lovin' you!"

Our favorite overachieving, power doctor couple, Tori and Wei, sent us not one, but TWO thank you cards!  (told you they were over achievers!)  We LOVE these guys!…

Card #1…  “To the fabulous M’s – Seriously??  How can we thank you for everything you did for us during the wedding?  You were amazing!  We loved having you at the rehearsal dinner too – felt like you were a part of the crazy family!  We LOVED the sneak peak and can’t wait to see the final results! Love Tori and Wei”

Card #2 came after the photos were delivered… “To the beautiful and talented M’s – We wanted to send you a proper thank you card featuring your beautiful work and of course express again how immensely grateful we are for all of your incredible work.  Staring at the beautiful pictures you both took has become my #1 hobby.  We feel so lucky to have worked with you – THANK YOU for everything!!  xoxo T&W”


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