Here in New England we are very familiar with having to change plans because of lousy weather. In Melissa and Ronnie’s case, frigid temps and blustery winds postponed their engagement session not once or twice but FOUR times! We finally landed a beautiful April evening on the East Side of Providence. With the city as the backdrop, we walked and talked and worked on capturing the perfect photos to display at their upcoming Newport wedding. Melissa and Ronnie are getting married in exactly one month from today at the Atlantic Beach Club! Cooperation from Mother Nature would be greatly appreciated.

RI Providence Wedding Photography Engagement Newport

RI Providence Wedding Photography Engagement Newport

RI Providence Wedding Photography Engagement Newport

RI Providence Wedding Photography Engagement Newport

RI Providence Wedding Photography Engagement Newport

RI Providence Wedding Photography Engagement Newport

RI Providence Wedding Photography Engagement Newport

RI Providence Wedding Photography Engagement Newport

RI Providence Wedding Photography Engagement Newport

RI Providence Wedding Photography Engagement Newport

RI Providence Wedding Photography Engagement Newport

RI Providence Wedding Photography Engagement Newport



Sometimes a trip to the mail room is just that… a trip to the mail room. Sometimes it’s cause for celebration! Last week we were working at the studio when we got the sweetest surprise, jewelry designed for each of us by our lovely bride Melissa, at Any Day Studio! She is a jewelry designer and custom made each of us a gorgeous wrap bracelet based on our personal style. Black with black beads for Melissa who loves to wear black and brown with gold beads for Marisa who leans toward earth tones. This attention to detail is what makes her jewelry so special. It was especially touching to us because we make it a point to get to know our brides well and when they return the favor we know this is so much more than a job. It’s a frickin love fest.



Another amazing thank you card that made our day!

“Marisa and Melissa, Sorry for the delay but we wanted to say thank you so much to both of you for doing such a fabulous job on our wedding photos.  You both made the day so relaxed with your go-with-the-flow style.  Our wedding pictures are so “us” and the moments you were able to capture are so special!  Everything about the photos from the colors to the places they were taken is everything we could have dreamed of.  You captured all the things we asked you to and more.  I never could have imagined having such an amazing connection with our photographers – and we definitely did!  We look at  our pictures just about everyday!  I hope you know how much your talent and work truly means to us!  We will definitely be calling you girls for our next milestone!  Thank you so much! Love Crista and Ryan

PS When is this “milestone” happening, guys?!?  We want to see you again!


